Now your favourite running shoes can be traction-enhanced. We’ve got IceSpike’s in stock at Brainsport. Edda Galbraith, shoe fitter, winter runner, race director and fitness all-star agreed to give them a test for us. She writes:
Finally got a chance to try them out! Installation was very easy and with a little elbow grease and 10 on hand the spikes were installed. Overall when running I noticed them very minimal as I only installed 6 on one and 4 on the other shoe (I mainly run on my mid-forefoot). I wanted to test if less would work too and they worked well with 4!
Even on asphalt without ice, the spikes didn’t bother me. At first, I was scared that I would feel the screws. I felt them a tad more but not to the point of a traditional whole shoe strap.
Edda was a great tester, because she likes the stability of using traction-aids, but doesn’t like the way her knees feel when she runs in them. She gave IceSpike’s two thumbs up.
We’ve got IceSpike in stock now. For $40, you get 32 spikes and a tool for installing them. You’ll need to provide the shoes.
- Author’s Note: we’ll typically recommend you put the same number of spikes in both shoes 🙂
(photo credit Edda Galbraith)