Hailey Thompson is an agricultural lender by day and a personal trainer, nutrition coach and run coach on the side. Somehow the Battlefords-area runner still finds time to run, cross train and talk about her love of Brooks gear as Brainsport’s Brooks ambassador.
Today Thompson, 29, talks to the Brainsport Times about her journey in running and her goals for the year.
BT: Tell me about yourself as a runner.
HT: I was introduced to running in middle school through my school’s track and field team and I fell in love with the sport. I continued through high school, focusing on the 400 and 800 metre distances. I continued to run after school, increasing my distance and stamina, and I finally decided to sign up for my first half marathon in 2015. I thought “Why not take my love for running to the next level and challenge myself to a half marathon?” After I crossed the finish line that day, I was hooked and couldn’t wait for the next one to challenge myself to beat my previous time. Since then, I have run numerous half marathons, 10 kilometers and five kilometres as well as three marathons, including virtual Boston.
BT: Tell me about your experience as a Brainsport brand ambassador.
HT: My time as an ambassador has been such a positive experience. I have felt welcomed and been well taken care of even as we continue to live in a time of uncertainty and where things look different than they normally would. I have to use different channels to bring awareness to Brainsport and Brooks, so I have been using Instagram. Follow along with Runwithhails.

BT: What is your favourite race distance and why?
HT: Half marathon because it is long enough that it allows you to challenge your pace while digging deep to find grit, but somehow it is so perfectly exhausting that it has your craving more.
BT: How has your running changed through the pandemic?
HT: To be honest, my running hasn’t changed a lot since the pandemic other than having to run races virtually, which takes a lot more grit and will power to push through those tough miles where the crowd would usually lift you up.
BT: What is one of your favourite workouts?
HT: I love a good lactate threshold speed work out that includes mile repeats or a good leg day strength session
BT: What are you proudest of as a runner?
HT: Qualifying for the Boston marathon at the Queen City Marathon in 2019 and then having to run it virtually, but still earning a new PB. At the Queen City Marathon I was the first female in my age group and third female overall.
BT: Have you ever had a serious injury? If so, how were you able to come back from it?
HT: I have been lucky enough that I have never sustained a serious injury, but in 2019 I went through some hip issues that sidelined me from running for a month and then a couple of rolled ankles. I overcame those injuries by taking time off running while still maintaining my strength training, which helped me come back stronger.
BT: What songs are on your favourite running playlist?
HT: It’s an unpopular opinion but my playlists are filled with country music and a little of everything else.
BT: What is your favourite post-race meal?
HT: This varies but I can always go for a chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cone!
BT: What running plans or goals do you have for 2021?
HT: Run a sub-three-hour marathon and qualify for 2022 Boston Marathon.

BT: What’s your go-to shoe these days?
The Brooks Ghost 13 for long runs, the Brooks Glycerin 18 and 19 for easy runs/tempos and the Brooks Hyperion tempo for speed workouts.