Kim Fraser

Meet Kim Fraser — Broadway Avenue’s newest physiotherapist

Saskatoon physiotherapist Kim Fraser, a former Brainsport run club leader with more than a decade of experience working with runners, has recently opened her own physiotherapy practice on Broadway Avenue working alongside Holistic Physiotherapy and Wellness and is excited to connect with the Brainsport community.

Fraser, who will be writing guest posts in this space from time to time, enjoys working with runners to help them reach performance goals or overcome injuries. She has a particular interest in the pelvic floor — the muscles that support the bowel and bladder.

“A lot of women leak urine when they run and it’s not something we talk about,” Fraser says. “It’s very common — and we can change that.”

She adds that many people also have chronic low back or hip pain while they run, which is highly associated with pelvic dysfunction.

Fraser is very interested in working with women who are returning to activity after childbirth, which can be an uncomfortable and confusing transition.

“So often, women will return to activity within a year having a baby and experience pelvic pain,” Fraser explains. “It’s because no one gave them advice on how to gradually introduce movement and sport back into their life.”

Fraser wants to make conversations about women’s postpartum health more common and is looking forward to using this platform to share some of her thoughts.

Fraser’s clinic, Still Physiotherapy, opened Aug. 4. Learn more and get in touch through her website or on Instagram. Watch the Brainsport blog for her guest columns.

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