Chasing the World Marathon Majors: Bernell Anstey shares her Chicago Marathon story

The Chicago Marathon takes place Sunday, marking the fifth of six Abbott World Marathon Majors of the calendar year. The…

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A slip, a fall and a new career as a masters runner

It was a frigid day in January 1997 when Roland Delhomeau left his apartment to celebrate his 52nd birthday with…

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Lessons on running and aging

By Olivia Chadwick What does it mean to run as we age? It’s a complex issue — not only from…

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‘Really grateful;’ Jason Warick reflects on an evolving relationship with running

Jason Warick set his first Saskatchewan age-group record on the track when he was in Grade 8. Thirty-seven years later,…

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After a 26-year hiatus, Harvey Weber is back on track

Harvey Weber is a man on a mission. At age 58 he holds Saskatchewan age group records on the track…

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After a years-long break, Brandi Venne has fallen back in love with the marathon

Brandi Venne’s first road race was a marathon — and she hated it. Venne started running when she was 19…

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