Learn-to-Run program puts emphasis on community, consistency

Picking up running for the first time — or after an extended break — can be trickier than one might…

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Saskatoon runners wanted for citizen science project

Wouldn’t it be great if there was an all-season public washroom near the Swale? Or if the multi-use trail extended…

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Step Up for Mental Health returning to downtown Saskatoon this fall

Registration is open for Cameco’s Step Up for Mental Health run and people are encouraged to secure their spot before…

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What you need to know about run-walk programs

If you’re new to running — or coming back to the sport after injury, illness or other break — one…

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A runners’ guide to recognizing and avoiding frostbite

Saskatoon is no stranger to extreme cold warnings at this time of year — and with those come cautions about…

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Building a running road map for the new year

What an incredible running year we have had. I have had so many runners come through my door doing incredible…

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